Category: Art

SQUISH Sculptural Lighting Installation

In February 2020 I created a lighting installation for the SQUISH pavilion at the Petting Zoo, Year of the Metal Rat gathering in Pahoa, Hawaii.
The project involved original design creation, transportation of all materials halfway across the globe, and installation in temporary structures at a multi-day outdoor site. It was a delight!
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams
SQUISH sculptural lighting installation by Tona Williams

Sculptural Home Furnishings

  • View my calendar of upcoming events 
  • The Grand Inspired gallery is the exclusive carrier of several of my new lighting designs and cast iron sculptures. Visit this stunning space filled with unique home treasures – 501 East Main Street, Stoughton, WI / View photos 
  • Browse my jewelry and sculpture in the lovely Communication shop featuring local art – 2645 Milwaukee St., Madison, WI.
  • Private studio visits and consultations available by appointment – The Bodgery, 740 Oscar Avenue, Madison, WI. 
“Conduit” by Tona Williams
“Conduit” 24” tall - find at Local Motive and Communication
“Conduit” by Tona Williams
“Fruit” by Tona Williams
“Fruit” - find at Local Motive
"Fruit" by Tona Williams
Available in several sizes
“Fruit” by Tona Williams
"Fruit" by Tona Williams
“Fruit” by Tona Williams
“Fluid” by Tona Williams
“Fluid” - find at Local Motive
“Fluid” by Tona Williams
Available in several sizes and variations
“Waft” by Tona Williams
“Waft” - find at Communication and Local Motive
“I Share My Heart” ornaments by Tona Williams
“I Share My Heart” ornaments and gift sets - find at Grand Inspired
Dragonfly Light (44") by Tona Williams
Dragonfly Light 44” (custom order)
Dragonfly Light 44”
Home Decor at Mother Fool's General Store - by Tona Williams
Antler Shelf (custom order) | Dragonfly Light 22” - find at Local Motive | Ornaments and gift sets at Grand Inspired and by request
Heart Ornaments by Tona Williams
Ornaments and Gift Sets
“Love Dove” layered monoprints by Tona Williams
“Love Dove” layered monoprints
custom displays by Tona Williams
Customized Product Displays

Several options for Dragonfly Wing hooks and jewelry displays, in single or matching full wing sets

Dragonfly Wing hooks by Tona Williams
Honey Bee nightlight by Tona Williams
Honey Bee night light
Sculptural Lighting by Tona Williams
“Dragonfly Wing” and “Alcove” lights (custom order)
“Bud” light by Tona Williams
“Bud” light

Many more sculptural lighting options

Aquatic Lamp by Tona Williams
“Aquatic” light
“Alcove” light by Tona Williams
“Alcove” light