
I’m a multidisciplinary artist based in Madison, Wisconsin and the Pacific Northwest. My projects include sculpture and metalworking, painting and design, photography and video production. I create independent art and custom project commissions.

I’m a great connector of ideas, skills and people, bringing together the specialties I’ve developed over the years and finding new and nuanced combinations that keep them exciting. My early training as an academic Sociologist (Ph.D. UW-Madison, 2006) involved years of conducting research and teaching in university classrooms, and those analytical and organizational skills continue to enhance my projects. I have strong ties with friends and colleagues involved in visual and performing arts, theater and video production, design, academia, and The Bodgery makerspace community. I frequently collaborate with my friends at Madison Circus Space and Cycropia Aerial Dance on aerial, circus, performance and community projects. I also join forces periodically with FeLion Studios and KRL Metals Art Studio to cast metal sculptures. I love the challenge and fantastic people that all of this brings into my life! Oh, and of course I’m also fond of tromping through the countryside with or without my camera, noticing beauty and getting lost in moments. And building forts. And lighting up those forts to make magic.